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Simple Preschool Starter Guide
Starting preschool can seem like such a big task but I'm here to reassure you it is much simpler than you think and is so rewarding! Here are a few steps to get you started.

Homeschool Book List
Our homeschool curriculum uses many books to help teach your child the wonders of nature. A book or two on stars, a big book on bees and even a book on a little mouse and a big strawberry.

Simple Home School Starter Guide
It can be hard finding the best way to teach your child. Homeschooling can seem like such a big task but I'm here to reassure you it is much simpler than you think and is so rewarding. Here are a few steps to get you started.

35 Things Your Child Needs To Know Before Kindergarten
The thought of sending your little one off to their first day of school can be bittersweet. On one hand, you feel proud of them and are excited for their new adventure (and for some free time to yourself) and on the other hand, you might feel torn because your little one has grown up so fast and maybe you even fear that they aren't ready. What we can do to prepare ourselves for this day and relieve some of the stress is to teach your child the things they need to know before that day comes so that you have peace of mind knowing your child is totally ready to start kindergarten.

The Habitat Schoolhouse
We're so excited to introduce a homeschool curriculum for your preschoolers. I wanted to take a bit of time to write a detailed post on why we've decided to create this curriculum and how we go about planning and prepping it. It started as a labour of love that happened to turn into something more.

Our Favourite Toddler Rooms
With this change, I started looking at a few ideas on how to paint her room and turn it into a fun place to play. We will be sharing the finished product shortly along with playroom organization and how we became minimalist when it comes to toys and clothing.