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PreK Book List
Books are a great way to encourage our children to enjoy learning and spark their imagination. There’s no better way to get them into a book than to choose one that’s focused on something they love.
In this post I'm sharing over 250 books that are included in our home school curriculum as well as a few extra suggestions we love.

Ocean Themed Second Birthday Party
We wanted to do a more modern twist on the ocean theme. Rather than having big plastic blow up sea creatures, sand, palm trees and hula skirts we kept it very modern and clean.

See Jane Slide
Yay I started a cute little category for all of Jane's posts. I called it See Jane Run. So any post that's about her growing or doing something will have that tag so you can scroll through and check them out. Here are some photos of Jane's first trip to the waterslides. It was SO MUCH FUN! She was laughing and smiling the whole time and kept saying "More Please!" I can't wait to take her again.