Free 39-page Women in Flight Workbook

Happy International Women's Day!

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Here at Habitat Schoolhouse we are founded by, run, and staffed by women. March 8th, International Women’s Day, gives us a platform to raise awareness about women's rights across the globe. This year we are focusing on recognizing women's social, cultural, and economic achievements. Please enjoy the following workbook which highlights seven influential and inspiring women in the world of flight.

  • If you are a Member, simply click the ‘Download Free’ button below to access the 39-page workbook.

  • For those who are not members yet please click on ‘Non-Member Download’ to add it to your cart then head to the checkout for FREE!

    Happy International Women’s Day friends,
    The Habitat Schoolhouse Team

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Which female figures do you find inspiring?
Let us know by leaving us a comment, below!

Charlotte Diorio

Founder & CEO


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