Shark Week Makes A Huge Splash!

Program begins July 29th.

Shark Week Program

Shark week makes a huge splash! Dive in with bigger sharks and even bigger bites. Gain insights into the mysterious world of these magnificent creatures.

This is a remote/online program. Each day a new lesson is available to explore. These lessons include a combination of the following activities for you to do at home with your little ones:

  • Loose parts play and shark sensory bin ideas.

  • Explore and learn about sharks habitats all around the world.

  • Build a 3D model of a sharks jaw and learn about the shark with over 350 teeth in its mouth.

  • Learn about the sharks food chain and which shark takes the top spot.

  • Explore what sets sharks apart from other marine mammals including whales.


There are hundreds of families all over the world who join in for Shark Week!
Check them out below 🦈

Follow @habitatschoolhouse on Instagram to join in!


Dive into the World of Marine Wonders


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